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Face to Face Training with our Client (Your Employer)

Training is directed by our client and is provided by existing PAs or carers, family members and where necessary, external agencies and nurses. All of our clients have capacity, and like you and me, they know what they need and how they like things done. They will direct you. Imagine you need your personal care and daily support to be provided by someone else. You would want to be in control of: - What time you get up and go to bed; How often and when you have a shower or bath; How you like your hair done; How you like your makeup applied; What you are going to wear; How you would like to be moved from bed to wheelchair; How you like your clothes washed and ironed; How you like your food cooked; How you like to wash and clean your teeth; Your privacy; The list goes on!

Online Training

All PAs will receive generic on-line training provided by a third-party training company. Each client will choose which training modules are most suitable for their PAs. Courses can include: - Fire Safety; First Aid; Food Hygiene & Infection Control; Medication Practice; Moving and Handling; Health and Safety; Safeguarding and Protection of Adults.

Specialist Healthcare Training

PAs who work with clients who have complex healthcare needs will receive training from specialist training providers. This training can include tracheostomy care, ventilatory support, catheter and bowel care, pressure care, PEG care and caring for someone with a spinal cord injury.


New PAs are invited to an induction meeting hosted by AskJules. PAs will receive all the information needed for their employment, including their Job Description, Employer’s Care Plan and the Induction Training handbook. PAs will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the job and their responsibilities.

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